A.I. Dev. : The Future of Fast

 Hi All,

Las time, or let me say, every time, on this blog spot, every new post brought up with it something new, but something that stood out was that... it's not that difficult to save a couple of lakhs of lives...but that comes with an 'IF'... 

And most probably, almost everyone would think that this huge 'if' I am talking about is knowing to code...right? But let me get bang on point! That is a TOTAL myth. 
The MOST important thing is to THINK. Thinking uniquely, or even taking an existing basic idea and proving it unique is what is most important. And I am not going to give a lecture on it (at least not when I am 14!!) but thinking in an already created universe is radically numbing your thought process. Today the world faces an individuality problem of unique, independent, and most importantly SELF-thinking. And this existing, fictional universe I am talking about are artificial things like Games, Movies and stuff...
But, come to think about it, these are the best motivations for pushing forward. Allow me to elaborate : For example, if an innovative mind sees today's most famous Iron Man and has the inspiration to bring this virtuality to reality, it would truly achieve the purpose its creators might have thought of !!! 
For these are universes which are fictional and thanks to our awesome and at the same time disastrous tech, we are able to explore it without even bring it to reality, something which if was available to Nicola Tesla would have made travel to Andromeda Galaxy possible, but at the same time, possibly could never even had resulted in the Tesla we know, carrying along with it another Beautiful Mind into a Beautiful Rubbish...! However, the key again lies in SELF-control. Something that A.I. today is trying to learn...

And yes, coming to point with it, it's hard to know if machine learning will ever decode, or, appropriately put, code, the mysteries of creativity. But maybe, it's not even a mystery, just data points...waiting to be filled in! But what about instinct!! Teaching A.I. to drive a car is teaching a human to drive a car, but instinct comes in when this human goes forward to driving the same car making infinite unconscious decisions. Can we push our A.I. to do that, like teaching it to RACE!!!....vroooom...

Yep, you gotta agree, its a real nice dream, but APJ Kalam said that dreams are not something you have when you sleep, they are something that keep you awake. And this is a real motivation for RoboRace which was all for taking technology to its limits whose primary focus was the accelerated development of driverless technology. And why speed, it's because they believe that by taking autonomous technology to its limits, it would accelerate technological (overall) development. 

But racing, it's not like driving any car, it comes with its own deal of packages...cause Vin Diesel said that it's not about the car, it's about the one behind the wheel...and yes, racing is more importantly about intuition, aggression, taking risks, and last but not least...caution! 

But I guess, everyone would agree with me that it's just too ambitious, working at the very edge of what's safe and yet possible where the margin for error is really...like REAL thin. Elaborate??? Here comes...
Let's say, you, dear reader, developed an autonomous car with a margin of error of just one percent...just one...! Now take that 1% and multiply it with the millions of cars out there hurrying through narrow lanes every day...! I would concede my point here by saying that there just might be lesser accidents because of drink and drive.

Now comes a brain-stormer, after several thousands of hours of pure, dedicated work, accompanied with independent thinking, today we meet the world's first A.I. racecar. The workers, correction, family of RoboRace say that always have had a dream of being faster, and better, and safer than any human drivers.

RoboRace A.I. Race Car
Record Breaking Speed of 120MPH

And this is a true motivation for nearly a hundred companies across the globe who are investing their capital #ActuatingImaginationForTheBetter which is so to say pure Science Fiction. However, our hopes lie with these people, who keep the promise of autonomous locomotion which in itself is transformative. As it would make our world safer and cleaner, two of the top goals every government is working for, changing even the ways our cities are designed all up to how even our societies function...which just might include how we spend our time...  

#LearningFromHumans #CorrectingHumanDecisions ___ A.I.

@WePeople - signing out for today...
It might be a bit long, but its worth your time...wasn't it?
Comment Below !!!

P.S. :-
All expressions in this post are copyrighted to the author Hriday Kharpude©.


  1. SUPERBLY WRITTEN!!! This is the first time i read your post and it was really mesmerizing. This is one of the best blogspots I have ever read because it is not just content enriching but also increases your vocabulary. I mean honestly, I read the whole post thrice before getting a load of everything that was happening... Nice work there, dear author.
    Looking forward to your upcoming posts...

  2. Damn... What an exotic piece of vocabulary you have set forth here.


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